!: Factorials

!: Factorials#


A factorial n! is a type of mathematical operation that needed in probability calculations (among other places). Factorials arise through application of the Fundamental Counting Principle (TODO: insert link), as we shall presently see.

The definition of a factorial is given by,

n! = n \cdot (n -1) \cdot (n-2) \cdot ... \cdot 3 \ cdot 2 \cdot 1

Note, this definition does not work when the value of n is 0. For this reason, we define,

0! = 1



  1. Six friends Andy, Brandy, Candy, Dandy, Tandy, and Bob want to sit in a row at the cinema. If there are only six seats available, how many ways can we seat these friends?

  2. Five names are written on slips of paper and placed into a hat. How many ways can these names be drawn without replacement from the hat?

  3. Five names are written on slips of paper and placed into a hat. How many ways can three of these names be drawn without replacement from the hat?

  4. How many 4 digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8 if none of these appears more than once in each number?

  5. You have invited 6 friends to a dinner party. How many different seating arrangements around the dining table are possible?

  6. A class of six students has three boys and three girls. How many ways can the students stand in line so that boys and girls alternate?

  7. A class of seven students has four boys and three girls. How many ways can the students stand in line so that boys and girls alternate?


TODO: jquery these into hidden elements

  • 1: 720

  • 2: 120

  • 3: 20

  • 4: 120

  • 5: 5040

  • 6: 72

  • 7: 144