- Calculator
- STATPLOT: Histogram
- STATPLOT: Ogives
- STATPLOT: Boxplots
- STATPLOT: Scatter Plots
- 1VARSTATS: Univariate Sample Statistics
- 2VARSTATS: Bivariate Sample Statistics
- !: Factorials
- NPR: Permutations
- NCR: Combinations
- GEOMETPDF: Geometric Probabilities
- GEOMETCDF: Geometric Distribution
- STATPLOT: Geometric Histogram
- BINOMPDF: Binomial Probabilities
- BINOMCDF: Binomial Distribution
- STATPLOT: Binomial Histogram
- DRAW: Normal Approximation to Binomial
- 1-PropZInt: Sample Proportion Intervals
- 2-PropZInt: Difference of Sample Proportion Intervals
- Celebrations
- Esoterica
- Problems
- Projects