

A.P. Exam Practice#

  1. 2006, Free Response, #5

When a tractor pulls a plow through an agricultural field, the energy needed to pull that plow is called the draft. The draft is affected by environmental conditions such as soil type, terrain, and moisture.

A study was conducted to determine whether a newly developed hitch would be able to reduce draft compared to the standard hitch. (A hitch is used to connect the plow to the tractor.) Two large plots of land were used in this study. It was randomly determined which plot was to be plowed using the standard hitch. As the tractor plowed that plot, a measurement device on the tractor automatically recorded the draft at 25 randomly selected points in the plot.

After the plot was plowed, the hitch was changed from the standard one to the new one, a process that takes a substantial amount of time. Then the second plot was plowed using the new hitch. Twenty-five measurements of draft were also recorded at randomly selected points in this plot.

  1. What was the response variable in this study?

  2. Identify the treatments.

  3. What were the experimental units?

  4. Given that the goal of the study is to determine whether a newly developed hitch reduces draft compared to the standard hitch, was randomization used properly in this study? Justify your answer.

  5. Given that the goal of the study is to determine whether a newly developed hitch reduces draft compared to the standard hitch, was replication used properly in this study? Justify your answer.

  6. Plot of land is a confounding variable in this experiment. Explain why.

  1. 2007, Free Response, #2

As dogs age, diminished joint and hip health may lead to joint pain and thus reduce a dog’s activity level. Such a reduction in activity can lead to other health concerns such as weight gain and lethargy due to lack of exercise. A study is to be conducted to see which of two dietary supplements, glucosamine or chondroitin, is more effective in promoting joint and hip health and reducing the onset of canine osteoarthritis. Researchers will randomly select a total of 300 dogs from ten different large veterinary practices around the country. All of the dogs are more than 6 years old, and their owners have given consent to participate in the study. Changes in joint and hip health will be evaluated after 6 months of treatment.

  1. What would be an advantage to adding a control group in the design of this study?

  2. Assuming a control group is added to the other two groups in the study, explain how you would assign the 300 dogs to these three groups for a completely randomized design.

  3. Rather than using a completely randomized design, one group of researchers proposes blocking on clinics, and another group of researchers proposes blocking on breed of dog. How would you decide which one of these two variables to use as a blocking variable?

  1. 2009, Free Response Form B, #4

A manufacturer of toxic pesticide granules plans to use a dye to color the pesticide so that birds will avoid eating it. A series of experiments will be designed to find colors or patterns that three bird species (blackbirds, starlings, and geese) will avoid eating. Representative samples of birds will be captured to use in the experiments, and the response variable will be the amount of time a hungry bird will avoid eating food of a particular color or pattern.

  1. Previous research has shown that male birds do not avoid solid colors. However, it is possible that males might avoid colors displayed in a pattern, such as stripes. In an effort to prevent males from eating the pesticide, the following two treatments are applied to the pesticide granules.

    Treatment 1: A red background with narrow blue stripes

    Treatment 2: A blue background with narrow red stripes

To increase the power of detecting a difference in the two treatments in the analysis of the experiment, the researcher decided to block on the three species of birds (blackbirds, starlings, and geese). Assuming there are 100 birds of each of the three species, explain how you would assign birds to treatments in such a block design.

  1. Other than blocking, what could the researcher do to increase the power of detecting a difference in the two treatments in the analysis of the experiment? Explain how your approach would increase the power.

  1. 2010, Free Response Form B, #10

In response to nutrition concerns raised last year about food served in school cafeterias, the Smallville School District entered into a one-year contract with the Healthy Alternative Meals (HAM) company. Under this contract, the company plans and prepares meals for 2,500 elementary, middle, and high school students, with a focus on good nutrition. The school administration would like to survey the students in the district to estimate the proportion of students who are satisfied with the food under this contract.

Two sampling plans for selecting the students to be surveyed are under consideration by the administration. One plan is to take a simple random sample of students in the district and then survey those students. The other plan is to take a stratified random sample of students in the district and then survey those students.

  1. Describe a simple random sampling procedure that the administrators could use to select 200 students from the 2,500 students in the district.

  2. If a stratified random sampling procedure is used, give one example of an effective variable on which to stratify in this survey. Explain your reasoning.

  3. Describe one statistical advantage of using a stratified random sample over a simple random sample in the context of this study.

  1. 2006, Free Response, #5

A biologist is interested in studying the effect of growth-enhancing nutrients an different salinity (salt) levels in water on the growth of shrimps. The biologist has ordered a large shipment of young tiger shrimps from a supply house for use in the study. The experiment is to be conducted in a laboratory where 10 tiger shrimps are placed randomly into each of 12 similar tanks in a controlled environment.

The biologist is planning to use 3 different growth-enhancing nutrients (A, B, and C) and two different salinity levels (low and high).

  1. List the treatments that the biologist plans to use in this experiment.

  2. Using the treatments listed in part (a), describe a completely randomized design that will allow the biologist to compare the shrimps’ growth after 3 weeks.

  3. Give one statistical advantage to having only tiger shrimps in the experiment. Explain why this is an advantage.

  4. Give one statistical disadvantage to having only tiger shrimps in the experiment. Explain why this is a disadvantage.